About Extension Forestry
The Extension Forestry Program teaches natural resource professionals, government officials, volunteers, and private woodland owners about the stewardship Connecticut’s forests. Extension Forestry, in cooperation with many partners, seeks to improve the health, care, and diversity of a valued resource that provides multiple social, environmental, and economic benefits every day. The extent of our outreach reflects the diversity of Connecticut’s forested landscape from small-scale private woodlands to land trusts to state forests and municipal watersheds.
Program Areas
Forest Stewardship Program - Many people are surprised to learn that 90% of Connecticut's forest land belongs not to the state or federal government, but to individuals and families like you. The Forest Stewardship Program recognizes the importance of these private forest owners by providing them with information, education, and technical assistance in managing their forest land.
Urban and Community Forestry - Since the time of the famous Charter Oak, Connecticut has had a proud heritage of tree-lined streets, shady parks, town forests and commons. If properly managed these urban forests can produce a wide range of economic, environmental and aesthetic benefits to society and greatly enhance our quality of life. But without management this heritage is in danger of destruction and decay.
Lower CT River & Coastal Region Forest Stewardship Initiative - As a special initiative, the LCR&CR Forest Stewardship Initiative focuses its programs and events towards landowners found in the Connecticut River and coastal region of Connecticut. The programs offered educate woodland owners about how their property fits in to the big picture, what they can do to manage and conserve their forestland, and where they can find the resources to do so.
Are you a woodland owner? Perhaps you have questions about forest management, or wildlife habitat or safety when working in your woods. Check out our informational links specifically for woodland owners: Woodland Owners Page
Want to know more about Forestry language, terminology and jargon? Or learn about invasive plants and insects? Click here to visit our Forestry Toolbox.