Information for woodland owners, volunteers, and professionals. Learn More...
Urban Forestry Resources for Greening City Spaces. Learn More...
Information for woodland owners, volunteers, and professionals.Classes, courses, and cutting-edge forest resource research. Learn More...
More forestry links that you can shake a stick at. Learn More...
Operations and activities: we manage our own woodlands at UConn. Learn More...
Each fall, the Tree Wardens' Association of Connecticut conducts the Tree Warden School. Learn More...
Welcome to UConn Forestry
We seek to promote, stimulate, motivate and inspire the sound stewardship of Connecticut’s forest land, wildlife habitats, exurban woodlands and urban tree canopies through outreach, education, research, news and information. Whether you are a woodland owner, bird watcher, wood-lover, tree-lover, forester, logger, land trust member, hiker, hunter, or town commissioner, thank you for visiting, and thank you for your interest in the stewardship of Connecticut’s Forests.
What to Do When You Hear Chainsaw Activity in the Forest
News and Resources
Draft Statewide Forest Plan
The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP)’s Forestry Division has updated the Connecticut Forest Action Plan and released a draft for public review and comment.
The Connecticut Forest Action Plan is a statewide guidance document required by the Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service to receive federal funds for forestry programs. It must be updated every 10 years and this version is updating the original Connecticut Forest Action Plan (originally called the Forest Resource Assessment and Strategy) completed in 2010. Read more.
GC3 Forest Sub-Group Final Report
The final report of the forests sub-group from the GC3 working group is available here.